033 0001 0864

Condensation Risk Analysis

We utilize cutting-edge modelling software, such as WUFI Pro, to assess the hygrothermal performance of building components and elements. By adhering to the standards set forth in BS EN 15026:2023, we ensure that our evaluations are both accurate and compliant with the latest industry guidelines.

Condensation in Buildings

Condensation is a common phenomenon that arises when warm, humid air comes into contact with colder surfaces or when there are significant temperature variations within a building. Surface condensation, typically manifests on visible surfaces such as walls or windows, especially in spaces with lower temperatures, which are often referred to as thermal bridges. Alternatively, interstitial condensation occurs within the building’s structure or sealed construction systems. Both forms of condensation can lead to various issues, including mould growth and structural damage, highlighting the importance of proper insulation and ventilation in maintaining a healthy indoor environment.

What is WUFI Pro

Wufi is a powerful tool that conducts dynamic simulations of coupled heat and moisture transfer in building components. Its methods have been validated globally, ensuring accurate representation of hygrothermal conditions that buildings experience in real-world climates. By performing comprehensive hygrothermal analysis, Wufi enables us to make informed recommendations. By leveraging these simulations, we can enhance the durability and performance of designs, addressing both comfort and sustainability in the built environment.