033 0001 0864

U Value Calculations

U values serve as a fundamental metric for evaluating heat loss in buildings. By utilizing cutting-edge software, we can accurately calculate these values in compliance with BS EN ISO 6946 and BR 443.

The U Value

Modern construction methods have led to an increase in complexity within building designs. To ensure energy efficiency and thermal performance, it is essential to consider all various components that bridge the construction elements when calculating the u-value. Each of these components contributes to the total thermal performance, making a comprehensive understanding of their influence on u-values vital for modern construction.

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
The Future...

As the construction industry shifts towards stricter compliance methods, such as the Future Homes Standard, the imperative for achieving lower U-values has become crucial for project success. This focus on low U-values not only contributes to energy efficiency but also aligns with broader environmental goals, ensuring that buildings meet modern sustainability standards.